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Village of New Athens

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Regulating Election and Campaign Signs

Past municipal ordinances, some are still in the Codes, confine political signs placement on private property not to exceed one month before the election date.  There are current State Statute restrictions (65ILCS5/11-13-1(12) on municipal authority to regulate temporary election and campaign signs on private property.  Placing stricter time display requirements only on temporary political signs is a content-based regulation and could result in First Amendment Lawsuits against the municipality.  We live in a very litigious society.   Therefore, there is no restriction on the time of the placement of political signs on private property.  You can do that today.

Past municipal ordinances also prohibit campaign signs on public property.  However, the rules are different on election day which is defined as any day the polls are open for early election as well as the official election day.  On those days, campaign signs are permitted outside the 100 foot designated campaign free zone of the polling place.

Small communities, like New Athens, have two major problems with local elections.  Candidates are almost impossible to find, and voter turnout is low.  Therefore, local elected officials that get elected enjoy the same privileges as Federal judges, they are in office for life.  Political signs are a powerful tool and should be used to the fullest extent permitted by law. 

Mayor Joe